Strength : 40mg/ 3 capsules
Presentation : Each bottle contains 90 capsules each
Shred Double is a combination of GW501516 and SR9009. Cardarine believed to be a SARM is a PPAR-delta activator that was originally developed by scientists to prevent the formation of tumors on the colon, prostate and on breast tissue. With further research, it was soon recognized for its ability to raise your metabolic rate; eliminate body fat; reduce recovery times and obesity; improve heart health and blood vessels; increase muscle growth; treat inflammation and diabetes, and boost stamina, energy, and endurance. Cardarine can also have a direct effect on your blood vessels by preventing oxidative damage. This reduces plaque build-up in your arteries, whilst increasing levels of nitric oxide. It also helped to maintain healthy cholesterol levels by raising HDL cholesterol and reducing LDL. Stenabolic or SR-9009 for short is often mistaken for a SARM but it is actually a REV-ERB that was originally created to help study circadian rhythm. SR-9009 was found to increase oxygen consumption; decrease the production of new fat cells, cholesterol and bile acids in the liver, increase the presence of mitochondria, glucose and fatty acid use in muscles, and reduce fat storage. Stenabolic can prime your body, keep you focused for up to 12 hours due to its short half-life and ensure you sleep like a rock, so you are more than capable of handling even the heaviest workouts.